Re: Trace prototypes available on the Web and to be presented at CSUN

hi  Daniel and Silas:

>> Headers Power Toy (zip archive)(for Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x and
>> Links Power Toy (zip archive)(for Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x and 5.x)
>> "HelpDB" program (zip archive)(for Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x and 5.x)
>> Table navigation JavaScript (for Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x and 5.x)

there are actually 4 different samples listed here, each zip file contains
a readme
type text file with more explanation

the first two samples, headers power toy and links power toy are patterned
the popular IE power toys from Microsoft.  These are simply HTML files that the
browser reads to create another "window" containing a 'script that reads
the original
web page per the users interest, for example, provide a list of headers.
The nice
thing about power toys in IE is the ability to attach them to the context
menu. The
html file source is available and could be "changed" for use in other browsers.

the table navigation javascript is contained right on the sample web page,
and allows a
user to navigate the contained web page table.  again this script could be

the HelpDB program, is a compiled program which uses COM and the Microsoft
DOM to inter-operate with IE, with the purpose of exposing links, headers, and
table elements.   You might find the table navigation interesting.  Please
refer to the
install and readme text files included in the zip file.

>Wendy, is there an document somewhere on your site (can't find in the
>zip) describing the design used (Java, JavaScript, overall
>architecture for starting up the thing, why this only works with IE,
>Thanks Daniel

>I tried it with Netscape and it seems to be because it uses some
>properties that only IE provides.  There are JavaScript errors in
>It's quite sad that people seem to be locked into Microsoft.
>-- Silas S Brown,

We tried to make it clear on the web site, that we currently only have
samples that work with IE 4+.  One of the reasons to get the scripts
posted, was
because anyone who found them useful, and capable of writing some
would then be able to make changes as needed to support other browsers and/or
they might have other variations or ideas they'd like to try.

If people find these samples useful, or would like to see others, we'd like
to hear from you.


Received on Monday, 8 March 1999 19:06:22 UTC