EOWG - Work for this Week (required survey)

Hi active EOWG participants,

Thanks for the input on the Tips on Designing for Web Accessibility! Changes are made and it's ready for a thorough review.

Work for this week is updated at:

Note that it includes approval of a Task Force Work Statement and thorough review of Tips on Designing for Web Accessibility, so *all active participants need to complete the survey*. You can indicate what you're done with, what you will get to soon, or if there's something you will pass on.

~Shawn & Sharron

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: EOWG for this weekend and next week
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2015 15:32:09 -0500
From: Shawn Henry <shawn@w3.org>
To: EOWG (E-mail) <w3c-wai-eo@w3.org>

Hi EOWG folks,

Great news for those of you who like to do your EOWG work on the weekend: There is some ready for you now! :-)

Work for this week is updated at:

In _Tips on Designing for Web Accessibility_[Tips],  Kevin implemented most of changes from the _26 June EOWG telecon_[26][lots], except _Consistent framing of the Learn More links_[39] (which will probably be done on Monday), and addressing the issue of _images overwhelming focus_[30] (which might not be done for several days, given other priorities). We'll update the Work for this week when those are done.

We expect a few more things for EOWG work this week to be ready Tuesday or Wednesday -- we'll let you know.


[Tips] http://w3c.github.io/wai-quick-start/designing.html
[26] http://www.w3.org/2015/06/26-eo-minutes.html
[39] https://github.com/w3c/wai-quick-start/issues/39
[30] https://github.com/w3c/wai-quick-start/issues/30
[lots] changes completed:
✓ #36 RESOLUTION: Change tip to 'Provide sufficient contrast between colors'. Include additional information in description about luminosity a la Easy Checks
✓ #36 RESOLUTION: Add in something like: 'The guidelines provide a minimum ratio and there are tools to help you determine the ratio'
✓ #28 RESOLUTION: Keep Expand acronyms and move to last on list
✓ #29 RESOLUTION: Use 'Keep content short and simple'
✓ #29 RESOLUTION: Change sentence to 'Write in short, clear sentences and paragraphs, as appropriate for the context'
✓ #41 RESOLUTION: Keep first two writing tips separate
✓ #42 RESOLUTION: Consider 'short and simple', use 'clear', 'concise', or 'succinct' - or combination thereof - make GitHUb issue
✓ #40 RESOLUTION: Stick with a consistent ordering
✓ #27 RESOLUTION: Stick with including bad examples as well as good, where possible

Received on Wednesday, 1 July 2015 01:11:14 UTC