WCAG-EM Report Tool - minor things

Hi Wilco,

A couple things:

1. On <http://w3c.github.io/wcag-em-report-tool/dist/#/audit/test> the levels (e.g., "Level A") look like flat buttons (but they're static text). I'm not sure that we want them to stand out, and instead make them the same font as the preceding text.

2. In today's prototype, there are some important actions that are right aligned, including
* On the Start page: "Continue working on your open evaluation report" & "Start a new evaluation report"
* On Step 4 page: the expand & collapse arrows

I wonder about discover-bility and usability for screen magnification users of such right-aligned important actions?

(/me sends separate e-mail about expand-collapse elsewhere on WAI website)


If you'd like more input on any of these points, we can bring them up for EOWG discussion in Friday's teleconference.


Received on Thursday, 7 August 2014 19:57:45 UTC