Take a look at the tables tutorial

Hi Group,

I have added all the feedback from the work sessions to the 
documents[0], many thanks to the participants!

What I haven’t done yet are two things that need a bit of conceptual 
thinking, and I hope to have them done by our meeting friday:

1. Adding icons to the table cover page to provide visual clues about 
the examples on the various pages.
2. Add a note to the examples that don’t have full support by browsers 
or accessistive technology.

As always, provide your feedback via E-Mail, Github[0] or to the wiki[1] 
by the end of Thursday, so I can add your comments to the documents 
before the meeting on Friday.

Best, Eric

[0] https://w3c.github.io/wai-tutorials/tables/
[1] https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Tutorials/Feedback/Tables


Eric Eggert, Web Accessibility Specialist
WAI-ACT Project

I’m yatil on IRC.

Received on Tuesday, 6 May 2014 13:54:36 UTC