Re: EOWG: What to call these things?

The primary scenario examples identify professionals who need practical information immediately.

How about a variation like "Accessibility Quick Start Guides"

This suggests practical bite-sized chunks of information that can be put to use right away.

Paul Schantz
Director, Web and Technology Services
Division of Student Affairs
California State University, Northridge
phone: 818.677.3839
twitter: @paulschantz<>
System notifications:  @CSUN_SAIT

Input | Intellection | Responsibility | Connectedness | Individualization

On Apr 17, 2013, at 2:02 PM, Shawn Henry wrote:

Old working names: Application Notes, Tutorials
Drafts: (Tables, Forms, Images have content; the others do not)
Analysis: - see brainstorms under "Naming the notes"

So what are they: Application Notes? naw. Tutorials? naw.

Other ideas???

Please think about this and:
* reply to this e-mail with more ideas
* prepare to discuss it at this week's EOWG telecon



Received on Thursday, 18 April 2013 23:39:11 UTC