Re: Updated again: "Web Accessibility is Smart Business" Presentation


Understood, I will do another review tomorrow and prob submit a decision
tree flow chart. Thank you for your patience, on Trees, this is
the fifth year of my grape vines, strong roots, they are here to stay!

Thank You,
On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 7:42 PM, Shawn Henry <> wrote:

>  On 4/11/2011 5:43 PM, Robert Yonaitis wrote:
>> Thanks for the response. I guess my point is why not have three slide
>> decks:
>>    * One to excite the a11y workers
>>    * One to get HR and Corp management to go further and implement
>> training to their staff
>>    * One for Engineers
> Hi Rob,
> I agree ideally we would offer multiple presentations for different
> audiences, including for different types of organizations. The problem is
> limited resources and other higher priorities.
> We decided to do just one and say: "This is just one example of a business
> case presentation. Presentations for different audiences will present the
> business case differently. The resource "Developing a Web Accessibility
> Business Case for Your Organization" includes _examples of how different
> types of organizations present different factors in the business case_." -
> We also have some notes in the example presentation about how presenters
> might customize it for their audience.
> Additional input welcome.
> Regards,
> ~Shawn

Rob Yonaitis |

Received on Tuesday, 12 April 2011 00:01:47 UTC