Re: Suggested for Biz Case slides

Sharon and Group

I have been following this thread a bit. I think that trying to focus on one
Slide for all students/targets  (learners) may be the problem with the Biz
case slides. If you look at everyone on this mailing list it is clear that
we all have great prior knowledge in the  topic area (accessibility). In
addition we have set feelings about the content being presented in the

What I think is probably a problem here is the one size fits all approach. I
think personally I would focus on questions like:

   - What is the target Population for this case study
   - What are the motivations that the viewer or learner would have that led
   them to viewing the biz case
   - What do we believe the target audience believes re the W3C and how can
   this be used toward the advantage or goals of this presentation

In addition how can the presentation be written to improve acceptance and
distribution amongst different target audiences.

In addition is there relevance and importance to the first graph and is
there ways to present the same without the anecdotal numbers just by
switching domain from Accessibility to QA. Does a simple switch to QA for
the importance of building Accessibility in versus building it onto a site
provide the financial justification that I believe this business case is
looking for.

While I may have concerns about this business case and fears that it
decreases the validity of the information it is presenting (see
in the eyes of business people or engineers who are unfamiliar with
accessibility - I do not believe it is more then a few tweaks off from being
successful in educating people to the important business reasons to to build
accessible, and additionally the large social reasons to build accessible.

I find in business that sometimes a sale is won or lost because of a social
position, this also is something that business people will respond to
without the need to display anecdotal numbers. Once someone agrees that
building accessible matters to business then the build from the start is a
no brainier to an engineer.

Maybe that means this would be best as two cases: One for building in versus
building on and another for a business case that is not only focused on
money but on a businesses competitive edge.

Thanks for your time in reading this.

Very Respectfully,
Rob Yonaitis

On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 4:51 PM, Sharron Rush <> wrote:
> I did this in just a few minutes, but the idea is what I am trying to
> rather than the graphic design itself.  I am sure someone can improve it.
> In this case, there are no numbers or graphs that people will expect to
> relate to an actual case study.  it is clear that the ideas are
> Whether they are as persuasive, well that's the question now, I guess.
> best,
> Sharron
> Sharron Rush |  Executive Director  | |  512 305-0310
> Equal access to technology for people with disabilities

Rob Yonaitis |

Received on Monday, 11 April 2011 15:01:06 UTC