some comments for today

Hello Shawn and Henny,
now reading "How to Transition Your Web Site from WCAG 1.0 to WCAG 2.0
and would like to make some comments". (I will reiterate them at today's
telco but in case I can not here they are)
It would be good to elaborate in the introduction the term
"transitioning" or maybe even replacing the word transitioning with
something else. I might have some WCAG1.0 features implemented, I might
have been planning to implement WCAG1.0 and I am not encouraged to go
WCAG2.0 way, I have WCAG1.0 level 1,2 or 3 compliant sites.
It would be good to move all the links from See also to the end of the
page and title Related reading or Supporting material.
I would rename "Understanding your conformance parameters" to "Selecting
conformance level"
I am not sure I see the need in Analyzing how WCAG 2.0 technical
requirements apply to your site. This should be part of the previous
section, meaning that conformance level is selected by the following
factors: a) regulatory, b) development resources, c) potential impact to
the current appearance of the site or and part of Related reading
In "check WCAG 1.0 checkpoints that relate to WCAG 2.0 requirements",
what is the message this title is trying to convey?  This plus the next
section Check new WCAG 2.0 success criteria roughly help to estimate
ones workload provided that conformance level has been selected already.

Received on Friday, 21 November 2008 11:49:43 UTC