Re: My pages are now W3C validated. Will this help on the search engines?

Hello carlos narváez,

Congratulations on cleaning up and validating your web pages!

The message below was sent to, which is the mailing list for discussions of work within the W3C WAI Education and Outreach Working Group, described at

Your question might be appropriate for another W3C mailing list, such as the W3C QA Interest Group public-evangelist list, which is described on
I would suggest contacting the QA IG co-chairs before posting your question to the list.


Shawn Lawton Henry
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
phone: +1.617.395.7664

carlos narváez wrote:
> Hello all:
>  It was a tough job, but I have W3C validated most of my pages now. The 
> validator error messages in "verbose" are somewhere between worthless 
> and misleading.
> I'm glad its nearly done for several reasons. I cleaned up several of my 
> own markup messes for one thing.
> Here's my question:
> Might all this work have a positive impact on my rankings in Google 
> and/or Yahoo Serps? Maybe some small advantage I would have missed by 
> not validating?
> Or, do G and Y frankly not care one way or the other?
> Has anyone ran any experiments along these lines?
> Thanks.
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Received on Sunday, 12 August 2007 21:06:12 UTC