
There is a song that has a lot of connection with our efforts. It is 
currently featured in Chevrolet TV spots and is familiar to a huge 
audience around the world. It was written by Woody Guthrie, who 
specifically gave permission to use it just about any way you want to. 
It's called "This Land is Our Land" and it is clearly iconic.

The front of the t-shirt has at top "This Web is Our Web" below which is 
the graphic symbolizing what we stand for: 
inclusion/diversity/accessibility - all that good stuff.

By using diverse iconic figures the message is pretty clear. The statue 
of FDR in a wheelchair surrounded by four or five icons, say Steve 
Hawking, Muhammad Ali, Helen Keller, and we can have brainstorming for 
the others. There's a picture of the committee dealing with U.S. 
Courthouse accessibility (brick/mortar kind) that got the idea 
started.in this old brain 
http://www.access-board.gov/caac/members-photo.htm but it's just the 
germ: the actual logo should incorporate something symbolizing the globe 
and fairly universally recognizable iconic people.

On the back of the shirt "This Web is Our Web" should be translated into 
a hundred or so tiny phrases.

That's it.


Received on Sunday, 7 January 2007 14:28:11 UTC