Re: Additional revisions on updated WAI Flyer

At 05:26 PM 11/2/2006, Judy Brewer wrote:
I had to use the links in the changelog to reach the actual pages

>Hi All,
>I have taken the comments from our discussion at our 20 October 
>teleconference and tried integrating them into an updated version of 
>the WAI Flyer. Please see the links below, and further down are 
>questions for our discussion.
>The issue on which we had the most debate last time -- the 
>introductory paragraph -- did not seem clearly preferable one way or 
>the other, so I created two documents so that we can compare the approaches.
>You will find these at:

Both of those links are broken.

>GENERAL CHANGES are indicated in the change log under "20 October 2006" at:
>DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE TWO VERSIONS, in case they look the same to you:
>* flyerfront5 <>
>   - lists disability areas in introductory paragraph
>   - mentions strategies, guidelines, and resources in the 
> "participation" paragraph
>   - breaks out the participation URI <> 
> on a separate line (note: this may or may not work on the actual 
> graphic design, and we will need to re-test the design possibilities on this).
>   - has the "supporting" line under activities
>* flyerfront6:
>   - mentions strategies, guidelines, and resources in the 
> introductory paragraph
>   - uses "develops accessibility solutions through a consensus 
> process" in the "participation" paragraph
>   - has the "supporting" line under resources, with slightly 
> different phrasing
>   - Your preference on intro & participation paragraph phrasing -- and why?
>   - Your preference on "supporting" placement -- and why?
>   - Any other *burning* comments? -- otherwise let's wrap this...
>- Judy
>Judy Brewer    +1.617.258.9741
>Director, Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
>MIT/CSAIL Building 32-G526
>32 Vassar Street
>Cambridge, MA,  02139,  USA

Received on Friday, 3 November 2006 02:00:21 UTC