Retrofitting accessibility: suggested addition

Suggested paragraph on noting accessibility problems on a site as soon 
as you are aware of them:

"As soon as you have decided to improve the accessibility of your 
website, let your users know. Simply insert a link to an 'accessibility 
statement' on your homepage (preferably as the first link that appears 
in the code). The statement should outline the main problems known about 
(to manage their expectations of the existing site), and your commitment 
to improvement. Where possible give a timescale for implementing 
improvements. In the meantime, also offer an alternative means of 
contact on this page, such as a telephone number or postal address."


Liam McGee, Managing Director, Communis Ltd      +44 (0)1373 836 476

Received on Friday, 27 January 2006 15:16:02 UTC