Some thoughts about our last telecom

Hi Judy, hi all.
Some thoughts about our last telecom (Dec 16, 2005).

About "Undestanding WCAG 2.0" and its title, in the Guidelines [1] we  
find the link [How to meet x.y.z] at the end of every success criteria.
So I think that it is a good idea to think a title like "Guide to  
WCAG 2.0" or "Guide to Meeting WCAG 2.0" for "Undestanding WCAG 2.0"  

Other suggestions are about to change words like "e.g." in "for  
example" and "i.e." in "that is", like we made for other WAI EO  


~ pasquale


Received on Wednesday, 21 December 2005 06:21:27 UTC