Some WCAG 2.0 Glossary observations

Hi all,

It's hard to plough through all WCAG 2.0 stuff in given time, but here are some WCAG 2.0 Glossary observations.

The glossary is in some cases used for more than giving a description or definition of a word or phrase, but to provide in-depth information about how a certain principle is applied in a guideline. These extended explanations, I think, could be put in the 'Understanding' document. 
Examples are e.g. the entries: general flash threshold, link, luminosity contrast ration, red flash threshold and the second part of the event handler description.

Individual entries:
Emergency * This word is that common that people can look that up in a dictionary if needed. 

Foreign passages or phrases * What about countries that have two or more languages? E.g. a French phrase in an English text in not a foreign phrases in Canada.

Information  is conveyed by color * strange entry in itself and is followed by one that is almost identical.

Information that is conveyed by color * Would it be better to keep the word information also in the description like 'perception of the color attributes is essential to understanding the information.'

Keyboard interface * Would it be good to insert the well known word 'on screen keyboard' as an example to make the description easier to understand..

Live audio-only * I think the entry should be 'audio-only live presentation' because it is describing a certain kind of presentation. In the description the second time 'only' is redundant.

Live video-only * I think the entry should be 'video-only live presentation' because it is describing a certain kind of presentation. In the description the second time 'only'  is redundant.

Lower secondary education level and Primary education level * Does not match the Dutch educational system and I think the WCAG glossary is not the place to explain these concepts.




H. Snetselaar
Bartimeus Educational Institute for the Blind and Partially Sighted &
Foundation Bartiméus Accessibility
Utrechtseweg 84, 3702 AD  Zeist, the Netherlands
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Received on Thursday, 15 December 2005 21:35:06 UTC