Intro to: WAI Overview Slide Show

Introduction to the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Overview Slide Show
Version: Early Rough Draft 2004.07.14
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1. The current wording
Section: What is the WAI Overview Slide Show, para .1:
The Overview of the Web Accessibility Initiative HTML slide show introduces 
the broad area of Web accessibility, as well as the World Wide Web 
Consortium, the Web Accessibility Initiative, a number of participation 
options, and action steps to consider.
2. Concerns with the current wording
Is it possible to "introduce an area"? I've heard of introducing a concept 
or topic, but not an area.  I also think the sentence is too long.
3. Suggestions for revision
The Overview of the Web Accessibility Initiative HTML slide show introduces 
the broad concept of Web accessibility, as well as the World Wide Web 
Consortium and the Web Accessibility Initiative.  It also describes a 
number of participation options and action steps to consider.
4. Reasons for the revision
The suggested changes might make the paragraph easier to read.

Chuck Letourneau
Starling Access Services  

Received on Thursday, 15 July 2004 10:01:28 UTC