Fwd: Re: Web site questions: #3

At 2004-04-29 13:47, you wrote:

>3. Highlights on WAI home page
>WSTF is considering having highlights on the WAI home page.
>Question: Do you think highlights is a good idea? What changes do you
>recommend for the parameters above (that is, what would go into the
>highlights section)?

I think highlights can be effective and interesting - if you are interested 
in Web accessibility writ-large and not just visiting to look for some 
specific resource.  I am a user of the site that is interested in the 
view-from-space, but not many of the web developers I deal with regularly 
are.  So, when you develop the user-customizable "My WAI Home Page" I will 
certainly include the "highlights".  I like all of the highlight 
suggestions you included in the discussion note.

Chuck Letourneau
Starling Access Services

Received on Thursday, 29 April 2004 20:44:22 UTC