Economic factors ... redone

Hello All,
1.  I propose that we rechristen  the Economics Factors page as Business Factors page (the name of the suite can just be Making a Case for Web Accessibility)
I have attempted a complete re-write of the "Economic" Factors page  and  wonder if  there is support for the way I am putting it together. What follows is the start ... I am half way through the benefits section and have the costs section to do. I am hoping  you have a chance to run through it before the meeting.
Thanks for your time

Business factors
An org's efforts to make its website accessible can impact its profitability and return on 
investment.  Many of the factors described on other pages of this document have a bearing on 
costs and benefits that can be expressed in financial terms. The extent  will vary from org 
to org and will need to be assessed in  each case. Assessing  benefits involves examining 
impact on:
 revenues, customer / audience reach, goodwill, saving in costs of Web content development / 
deployment / QA processes, lowered technological and legal risks
Assessing  costs involves examining impact on:
Cost of initial Website analysis, cost of technology needed to implement modifications in Web accessibility,Web content   development / deployment / QA processes and hiring / training staff.
1. Quantifying Benefits:
1.1.Measuring impact on revenues, customer / audience reach, goodwill
It will be very helpful to track website statistics that reveal :
- number of hits  on account of improved "searchability" of the website, average time a 
visitor remains on the site and number of pages he / she visits, 
- number of  transactions successfully  completed over the website, 
- number of cusstomers prefering to    access support related content on the website, and
- number of customers returning to the website to access content / conduct transactions.

It is important to recognize that   the  benefits  of an accessible website can be direct as 
well as indirect. Hence, the above indicators are likely to  register a change over time as 
an  accessible website enhances a website's overall usability. 
 Surveys and customer responses  too will be useful in  estimating the increased number of   
computer access technology users / people with disabilities  / senior citizens that the 
website is attracting on account of improved website accessibility. The increased diversity 
of the user population might be quite visible in some cases (for e.g. program registrants, 
job applicants, etc). Admittedly, this number may not be   very  accurate when the user of 
the website chooses not to reveal  such information. Therefore, in some cases it may not be easy to  
isolate and precisely quantify the  impact of an  accessible website on  the revenues, 
audience reach, market share and goodwill. 
1.2. Saving in costs of Web content development / deployment / QA processes:

To be detailed further
1.3. Lowering risks 
of technological obsolesence  and exposure to legal claims   for discriminatory    website practices.

To be detailed further

Quantifying Costs
To be written up

Sailesh Panchang
Senior Accessibility Engineer 
Deque Systems,11180  Sunrise Valley Drive, 
4th Floor, Reston VA 20191
Tel: 703-225-0380 Extension 105 
Fax: 703-225-0387
* Look up <> *

Received on Thursday, 23 October 2003 17:25:16 UTC