follow up on Fri action item on "What is..." slide wording

Well, I haven't gone to bed yet so I guess this still counts as getting
it in today. Below are options on re-wording in more active voice
focusing on the user.


An accessible Web can be used by people with disabilities, and also
benefits others.

Web accessibility means that people with disabilities can perceive,
operate, navigate, and understand Web content and Web applications.

Other factors of Web accessibility include:

- people with disabilities can use Web browsers and other software for
accessing the Web, and that software is compatible with the software and
hardware that some people with disabilities use

- software used to build Web sites ("authoring tools") supports creation
of accessible Web sites, and people with disabilities can use authoring
tool software

- technologies that underlie the Web (HTML, CSS, SMIL, XML, etc.)
support accessible Web content and software*

* a question on original (which I left in above):

in "technologies that underlie the Web (HTML, CSS, SMIL, XML, etc.)
support accessible Web content and software." what is ""?

---other permutations:

1. instead of "factors" in ("Other factors of Web accessibility
include"), maybe: aspects -or- components

2. in: "- people with disabilities can use Web browsers and other
software for accessing the Web, and that software is compatible with the
software and hardware that some people with disabilities use,"
maybe instead of "software and hardware" say "technologies" or "other
technologies" or "special technologies" or "other special technologies"

3. instead of:
- people with disabilities can use Web browsers and other software for
accessing the Web, and...

- people with disabilities can use the software that is used to access
the Web (such as Web browsers), and...

or, break it into two (which is better in and of itself; however, I
think not as good within the format of the whole thing):
- people with disabilities can use Web browsers and other software for
accessing the Web
- Web browsers and other software for accessing the Web is compatible
with the software and hardware that some people with disabilities use

--- other bullet intro ideas (which Judy challenged me to come up with
In an accessible Web: 
An accessible Web is one in which:

--- terminology:

I'm still a little uncomfortable with the term "Web sites" - it seems
too limiting... however, I think it probably is the best term for much
of the intended audience, so I'm OK leaving it...                      


What is Web Accessibility?
An accessible Web is one that can be used by people with disabilities,
and also benefits other users of the Web. Web accessibility includes:

- content that is presented in a way
          * that can be perceived, operated, navigated, and understood
by people with disabilities;
- software used to access the Web
          * that can be used by people with disabilities,
          * and that works with technologies that some people with
disabilities use
- software used to build Web sites
          * that can be used by people with disabilities,
          * and that supports creation of accessible Web sites;
- technologies that underly the Web (HTML, CSS, SMIL, XML, etc)
          * that support accessible Web content and software.

Received on Saturday, 8 February 2003 02:02:32 UTC