My "Attention to Accessibility" motivator



Attention to accessibility of all the information on web pages gives a good 
impression, not only for those with full access to the internet, but also 
for those who may be limited by their:
environment: too bright, too dark, to noisy, too shaky;
equipment: limited bandwidth, no visual display, audio/keypad interface;
disability: blind, low-vision, hearing-impaired, immobile.
I encountered many difficulties even with normal faculties in a four-hour 
trip: see Inaccessibility and Ways to Overcome Them.
Such attention to accessibility hinders no one, and is a definite advantage 
to everyone, who may find, use, and navigate among web pages at different 
times in different circumstances.

Regards/Harvey Bingham

Received on Friday, 17 January 2003 11:12:12 UTC