Logic behind Relative Sizing

Greetings, All

Our university is redesigning its home page.  One of the issues I have
raised is using relative sizing.

The question everyone is asking me is "why" is the relative sizing
important. They want to point them to a URL that shows the rationale that
went into the recommendation and why it is important enough to attend to
it. I found the how to's but that is not what they are asking.

Would any of you be able to shed some light on the logic behind the
recommendation?  Is there a URL on the W3C site that explains that?



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                           Have a Productive Day!

Charmane K. Corcoran
Information & Project Principal
Michigan State University
Client Advocacy Office
316A Computer Center
East Lansing MI 48824

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Received on Wednesday, 14 May 2003 15:04:38 UTC