Re: [draft] Building the Case for Web Accessibility: Legal and Policy Factors

At 11:14 PM 5/1/2003 -0400, Judy Brewer wrote:
>For discussion at our 2 May 2003 meeting

Somehow this email was dated 1 May about a 2 May meeting and I got it on 3 
May! Really felt weird!

The "questions" section really sticks out now and I hope that's what was 
intended because it's what I've been dreaming of for us/it. I think this 
bulleting/highlighting (I hope that in the previous meeting the talk on 
"over-bulletizing" wasn't intended to avoid this sort of emphasis) would be 
of benefit within a great many of our documents, which often appear a bit 
too much like doctoral dissertations rather than WEB documents.

I guess I hold rather strongly with Jakob Nielsen's urgings as expressed in in which he answers his question 
"how do people read on the Web?" with "They don't".


It's Bad Luck to be Superstitious! 

Received on Sunday, 4 May 2003 13:08:17 UTC