Re: software tools homework

Well, what you suggest is one work-around. If in fact the system being used
is a complex data management system then it would also involve learning a
whole lot more than just HTML, and be less scaleable. And in mamny cases the
amount of work required to train people on a real scale is enormous. (at the
university I worked in we did this - they had 3500 overworked people, and
training them to produce anything was a logistical nightmare).

I thikn what the statement you refer to means is "no tool is know to conform
to ATAG", which defines a number of different things a tool must support. The
workaround (and looking for tools most conformant) should take into account
the particular nature of the job at hand - in some places people will be
happy to learn HTML, so can correct errors, or learn WCAG techniques if there
are tools that can be used, or whatever. And different kinds of tools do
different things well or badly.



On 24 Jan 2002, Sarah Horton wrote:

  Hello. I was just settling down to do my homework and work up a new strategy for
  the "Working around Limitations of Existing Authoring Tools" section when I
  realized that we have been focusing on WYSIWYG tools throughout the Selecting
  and Using Authoring Tools for Web Accessibility document. I would suggest that
  one strategy for developing accessible Web sites is to use a text editor or HTML
  editor, become very familiar with WCAG, and hand-code accessible pages. And then
  test, test, test. In fact, that's my own strategy. Am I just a total dinasour on
  this, or should we make mention of that approach somewhere in this document? In
  fact, when we say in the introduction, "As of the last revision of this
  document, there is no single authoring tool that fully supports production of
  accessible Web sites," are we making an accurate statement? Doesn't BBEdit
  support production of accessible Web sites, as long as the site developer knows
  how to code for accessibility?


Charles McCathieNevile  phone: +61 409 134 136
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative    fax: +1 617 258 5999
Location: 21 Mitchell street FOOTSCRAY Vic 3011, Australia
(or W3C INRIA, Route des Lucioles, BP 93, 06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France)

Received on Thursday, 24 January 2002 12:22:19 UTC