Evaluating Web sites: clear and simple text

While working on change log entry [eval-006] 
[http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/Drafts/impl/changelog] it occurred to me that 
point in Manual Evaluation that starts: "is the text clear and 
simple to the extent appropriate..." has nothing particularly to do with 
testing by voice or text browser.  This determination is certainly a 
critical step in manual testing but deserves separate study.  Actually, 
this concept likely requires review by both the content 
provider/professional tester and by end-users (i.e. usability testers).

Suggested change: remove point from and make it

3.3.4 "Read over the pages: is the text clear and simple to the extent 
appropriate  for the purpose of the Web site? (For English sites, consider 
using Clear and Appropriate Language and Design (CLAD) test.) (NOTE: this 
is also an appropriate question to ask people participating in usability 
testing (link to next section))."

Comments appreciated.

Please note that there has been a recent - and quite interesting - 
discussion on this subject over at the WCAG WG. Look for threads relating 
to "4.1" if you are interested.


Starling Access Services
"Access A World Of Possibility"

Received on Monday, 17 June 2002 13:05:16 UTC