Re: Evaluating Web site: sample size question

Hi Chuck,

I agree with your rephrasing.


A 14:45 2002-06-12, Chuck Letourneau a écrit :
>I am having some difficulty assembling coherent text from the various 
>comments in the change log (there are 4 or 5 distinct entries) regarding 
>sample selection in section 3 (Conformance eval) 
>[ ].  I think part of the 
>confusion arises because the current draft states "do either the entire 
>site, or an expanded page selection".  (Expanded would have to be bigger 
>than entire, which is logically impossible)
>I think the following proposed change both solves the problem and shortens 
>the section (both good outcomes).  Please comment:
>3. Conformance Evaluation to WCAG 1.0
>[add to introduction...]
>To achieve full compliance every page on a site must be evaluated to the 
>targeted conformance level.  If this is impractical because the site 
>contains an uncommonly large number of pages (or page combinations in a 
>dynamically generated site), then a smaller, but highly representative set 
>of pages may be evaluated.
>3.1 Identify scope of site to be evaluated, and the targeted conformance 
>level for the evaluation:
>[replace current sections 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3 with]
>3.1.1. identify and clearly disclose:
>the entire Web site including all pages at a base URL;
>OR (but only if evaluating the entire site is impractical)
>a page selection which includes at least one of each different type of 
>page on the site, and all top pages or entry pages to the site. NOTE: on 
>web sites with database driven dynamically generated web content, generate 
>broadly representative samples, freeze, and test the output;
>3.1.2 identify the target conformance level of WCAG 1.0
>Chuck Letourneau
>Starling Access Services
>"Access A World Of Possibility"

Jean-Marie D'Amour M.Éd.
CAMO pour personnes handicapées

Received on Thursday, 13 June 2002 13:02:02 UTC