RE : update to aux benefits

Hello William,

>WL:  "disabled" in the sense used here means that at some
> particular time under 
> certain conditions one will prefer to have the text appearing 
> on a screen 
> read aloud because of an "environmental disability" (driving 
> a car, glare 
> on screen, some more important use for the eyes)

JMD: In the real world, who have a voice synthesizer for this use?
> WL: I think that there's a policy (?) to refer to XHTML as
> merely another 
> XMLanguage, not in parallel with it.

JMD: I suggest to include XHTML at the same level of SMIL and SVG, not
in paralel with XML.


Jean-Marie D'Amour
CAMO pour personnes handicapées
Montréal, Québec, Canada

Received on Thursday, 5 July 2001 10:42:00 UTC