Re: 2. Scenarios of People with Disabilities Using the Web

At 07:51 AM 1/5/01 -0500, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
>is it more or less what you had in mind?

If that question's for me the scenarios are rapidly becoming what I have in 
mind, particularly since they now contain material emphasizing that there's 
been (and continues to be) a problem here: not all is sweetness and light 
in the accessibility garden.

The self-reflexive part is absent so far as I can tell and I don't really 
expect much to be done in that regard but I thought Jonathan might provide 
a scenario that used what he's always talking about which might argue for 
its inclusion in an otherwise entirely verbal experience for our readers.

The only additional flavors I covet in the document are: 1) more noticeable 
i18n; 2) "policy" illustrations to supplement the "bizcase" and "curb-cut" 
arguments now peppering the scenarios.

I think this is getting to be both a "good thing" and an exemplar of 
effective "concert composition".


Received on Friday, 5 January 2001 08:10:24 UTC