Non-geek version of guidelines

Hello Education and Outreach Colleagues,

I was talking to a friend today -- an amateur web developer and professional
disability rights advocate -- who complained that the W3C guidelines are
overly technical for her needs. She wants a plain language version of the
guidelines. As she is fairly technologically savvy, she expressed frustration
at having to work so hard to understand what must be done to make accessible
web pages. To illustrate her point, she read me the Quick Tip card description
of Image map. I agree with her, the tone is definitely geeky. But not everyone
who develops web pages speaks the language of client-side servers and
hotspots. I would guess that most people who develop web pages are amateurs
(in the original sense of the word: from amore or amour: an activity done out
of love.) Will these people freeze when they read "make line by line reading
sensible?" or "Use CSS?"

How about we create a "user-friendly" version of the Web Content guidelines?
Maybe a primer.


Received on Monday, 21 February 2000 15:37:58 UTC