Re[2]: Status of Quick Tips revisions

>For clarification purposes on Tables, what is your opinion of the use of
>in the Main Menu page of my site? I use multi-column tables at the top and
>bottom (with the top menu embedded in a subform if there's any difference)
Seem fine to me.  Using Jaws and tabbing between links I am able to read
each line fine.
in a sense, this is "line-by-line, single column"  not because of the
visual display but how my tools allow me to interact with it. we're really
saying "make sure each cell is readable on its own."


>FYI -- I haven't had a chance to look at Notes/Domino R5 yet, but I've seen
>demos where they are adding multiple options for tables, such as showing a
>at a time.
>____________________Reply Separator____________________
>Subject:    Re: Status of Quick Tips revisions
>Author: "wendy a chisholm" <>
>Date:       07/16/1999 10:35 AM
>My comments prefixed with WC::
>>PROPOSAL: "Frames. Label with the _title_ or _name_ attribute."
>>OR PROPOSAL: "Frames. Use _noframe_, and _title_ or _name_ attribute. (NB:
>>"noframe" would be in small caps)
>WC:: I like the second proposal.  This technique is included in checkpoint
>6.5, which is P2.
>We've recently found that at least one browser for PalmOS acts like older
>text-based browsers: it give you
>a blank screen rather than a list of frame names.
>>Tables. Make line-by-line reading sensible. Summarize.
>WC:: proposal:  Tables. Make line-by-line, single column reading sensible.
>however, i don't feel strongly about this, because if the line-by-line
>reading is sensible, it is most likely in a single column.
>>PROPOSAL??: Check your work. Validate. Use evaluation tools, WCAG
>>guidelines and checklist
>WC:: yes, I like this.
wendy chisholm
human factors engineer
trace research and development center
university of wisconsin - madison, USA

Received on Friday, 16 July 1999 13:13:47 UTC