WCAG Curriculum slide update - 08:16 PM

As of 22-Apr-99 08:16pm:  

* some production bugs fixed in Slidemaker tool (still some tinkering

* Checkpoint slides 1-8 are taking shape.  

* Example slides 1-12 are taking shape.  

* Some checkpoints and techniques are beyond my ability to provide a
reasonable example.  If any of you have special knowledge of good examples
we can use for these, please let me know.  The slides where that is the
case say so, with an e-mail link to me.

* Please note that I am trying something a bit different to try to reduce
the overall number of slides needed.  I have created a single slide for
each checkpoint. (This has the advantage that the overview (TOC) slide
reads like the checkpoint checklist and can be used out of context). Then
if a checkpoint is short and requires only a simple (and relatively short)
example, I am putting the example on the Checkpoint slide and not creating
a further layer.  If however, as for Checkpoint 1, there are over a dozen
examples needed, I have created an Example layer.


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Received on Thursday, 22 April 1999 20:32:20 UTC