call for papers

I don't know if this was posted to the list already but I just added it to the
Events page, along with a few others and I thought it was worth posting. 
Submission deadline June 30, 1999


Advance Call for Papers 


Dagstuhl , Germany, Nov. 28th - Dec. 1st 1999 

Special Theme 
"User-Tailored Information Environments" 

The 5th ERCIM Workshop on "User Interfaces for All" builds upon the results of
the four previous Workshops held at Heraklion, Greece, 30-31 October 1995;
Prague, Czech Republic, 7-8 November 1996; Obernai, France, 3-4 November 1997;
and Stockholm, Sweden 19-21 October 1998. 

The vision of User Interfaces for All advocates the proactive realisation of
the design for all principle in the field of Human-Computer Interaction, and
involves the development of user interfaces to interactive applications and
telematic services, which provide universal access and quality in use to
potentially all users. This user population includes people with different
cultural, educational, training and employment background, novice and
experienced computer users, the very young and the elderly, and people with
different types of disabilities, in various interaction contexts and scenarios
of use. 

This Annual European Workshop aims to consolidate recent work, and to
further discussion, on the state of the art in user interfaces for all. The
emphasis of this year's Workshop is on theories, methodologies, techniques and
tools which contribute to the development of User-Tailored Information

Areas of interest, for which papers are solicited,include, but are not limited
to, the following: 

    - Adaptable and adaptive interaction, user modelling 
    - Intelligent user interfaces, guided or cooperative interaction,
intelligent agents 
    - Computer-Supported Collaborative Work 
    - Multilinguality, internationalisation / localisation of interactive
    - Novel interaction techniques, multimedia / multimodal interfaces 
    - Virtual and augmented reality 
    - Dialogue design methodologies and approaches 
    - Interface design assistance tools 
    - Interface architectures and development tools, interoperability 
    - Formal methods and languages for interaction specification and
    - Ergonomics, Human Factors and usability issues 
    - Evaluation techniques and tools 
    - Sociological and economical issues 
    - Novel approaches to information access and retrieval in large
    - Cognitive Factors in Design 
    - User-Centred Design 
    - Interface metaphors 
    - Intuitive, seamless interfaces 
    - Interfaces to wearable and ubiquitous systems 
    - Information Visualisation 
    - Support measures (e.g. standardisation) for user interfaces for all 
    - Accessibility of information environments 

Solicited contributions: 
    - long papers (between 10 and 15 pages), 
    - short papers (between 4 and 6 pages); 
    - poster presentations (1-2 pages abstract); and 
    - position papers (between 4 and 15 pages). 

All papers will be peer reviewed. Accepted papers will be presented during the
Workshop and will appear in the Workshop Proceedings. 

Submissions should be done  electronically by e-mail to the local organizer by
30th June 1999: 

Dr. Michael Pieper 
Schloss Birlinghoven 
D-53754 Sankt Augustin 
Tel: +49 2241 142018 
Fax: +49 2241 142167 
More information at:

Programme Committee: 

    Dr. Constantine Stephanidis, ICS-FORTH, Greece (Workshop Chair) 
    Prof. Alfred Kobsa, GMD, Germany (Programme Chair) 
    Dr. Michael Pieper, GMD, Germany (Local Organiser) 
    Dr. Elizabeth Andre, DFKI, Germany 
    Prof. David Benyon, Napier University, United Kingdom 
    Prof. Noelle Carbonell, CRIN-CNRS & INRIA, France 
    Dr. Pier Luigi Emiliani, CNR-IROE, Italy 
    Dr. Giorgio Faconti, CNR-CNUCE, Italy 
    Mr. Anthony Galetsas, European Commission, EU 
    Mr. Seppo Haataja, NOKIA Mobile Phones, Finland 
    Dr. Ilias Iakovidis, European Commission, EU 
    Dr. Dominique Scapin, INRIA, France 
    Prof. Cristian Stary, University of Linz, Austria 
    Prof. Jean Vanderdonckt, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium 
    Dr. Annika Waern, SICS, Sweden 
    Dr. Michael Wilson, RAL, United Kingdom 
    Dr. Juergen Ziegler, FhG-IAO, Germany


Dr. Michael Pieper 
GMD - German National Research Center for Information Technology 
Institute for Applied Information Technology (FIT.MMK) 
Research Division on Human-Computer Interaction 
Schloss Birlinghoven, D-53754 Sankt Augustin 
Tel. + (02241) 14-2018, Fax: + (02241) 14-2065 

Received on Wednesday, 21 April 1999 09:44:51 UTC