Link phrases example

I read the first link phrase example again and realized that currently
there is
actually no problem. It is written now:

    If you use same word - then use same link

I first thought it said try to use the exact same word for the same link and I
was trying to say  that sometimes it is not possible to use the exact same
for the same link. In some languages the word may be conjugated depending on
the context it is used in.

For instance:

Our services = Meidän palvelumme

Our services include = Meidän palveluihimme kuuluvat

The beginning word in each of the following sentences could be a link to WWW7
conference, but in Finnish the word needs to have different endings depending
on the sentence:

WWW7 konferenssi (= WWW7 conference)

WWW7 konferenssissa (= At WWW7 conference) käsitellään seuraavia asioita...

WWW7 konferenssin osallistujat (= the participants of WWW7 conference) tulevat
joka puolelta maailmaa. 

WWW7 konferenssilla on ollut suuri merkitys... (=The WWW7 conference has had
great impact)

And sometimes the even the base word changes: aika, ajan, ajalla, ajassa etc.


Received on Friday, 18 September 1998 10:19:43 UTC