Re: Reference card

I've done a bit of rewrite. My goal is that this fit on 2 sides
of a business card. 

My reason for choosing that layout is my experience with such cards
years ago. I regularly carried in my billfold and handed out laminated
reference cards the size of business cards. It contained all the several
dozen functions and operators of the powerful APL language, with examples.
Invariably those cards were wonderful 
discussion pieces. They allowed me to explain how that tool was 
significant to whomever I was giving a card.

I believe we can use these cards on Web Accessibility Guidance to the same
advantage. That small format encourages its retention, use, and sharing
with others. 

I attach six versions of this material, laid out for the business

1. Stella O'Brien's latest <200 word version 3.2
2. Harvey Bingham editing of that Stella O'Brien's <200 word version
3. Daniel Dardailler's revision to Stella O'Brien's <200 word version
4. Harvey Bingham rework of that version (My recommendation, below)
5. Stella O'Brien's <460 word version
6. Stella O'Brien's <360 word version

Each includes placeholders for Judy Brewer's leadin text and a 
trailer reference.

The text is New Times Roman, and point sizes range from 9 pt to 6 pt,
to keep within the 2-sided 2" x 3.5" constraint of the business card. 

Providing the content in that format does not preclude other formats as well.

I have attached a file with those six versions laid out to that 2" x 3.5"
format. They are in the Microsoft Office '98 Word document refcard6.doc. In
it each side of the cards is inclosed in a box the size of the card. When
printed two-sided, they approximately line up.

The second attachment is a text file (with line-breaks and added separator
lines of the form ---- 1 a or b ----):

My recommended content is 
---- 4 a ----
 W3C Logo --Web Accessibility Guidance Card
Harvey Bingham's version merging from DD and SO with editorial rewrite.
Access details   This is in 8-point type, sized for two-sided 2" x 3.5"
card. Judy Brewer to replace leadin material here. 
10% of population can benefit from this guidance.

Maximize your audience. Provide a text alternative for any user that cannot 
see or hear your site's graphics, sounds, moving images, or choice of layout 
(small window, text-only or monochrome screen, Braille, text-to-speech, 
webphone, noisy environment, preference for large font, color shift, etc.)
Supply text-only versions of visuals. Add text (e.g. using html ALT for 
image, TITLE for frame, etc.) to let those who cannot see the visuals learn 
their contents or purpose, independent of media.
Make text easy to see. Keep the background simple and use a high-contrast 
color to help any user with vision impairment. 
---- 4 b ----
Simplify page structure for skimming. Make the main text clear, short, and 
relevant. Provide organizing summaries, headings, and lists. Avoid complex 
frames or tables. 
Provide easy navigation and informative link names. Give user access to 
current position and its context to simplify navigation. Use meaningful link 
names to clarify expected link content and location. Supply a list of text
that augment clickable image regions. Allow tabbing through links.
Test web site accessibility for different user modes. Use several browsers, 
in various ways, including graphics off, display off, keyboard access, no 
pointing device. Use automated testing tools. 

See the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative. Get more detailed guidelines, 
examples, and other useful techniques:             end Harvey Bingham version

Regards/Harvey Bingham

Received on Tuesday, 1 September 1998 11:05:39 UTC