WAI EOWG Agenda May 28

Hello WAI EO WG Members,

Reminder on conference call: Thursday May 28 10:30 a.m. US EDT to 12:00 noon

Dial-in number is +1.617-258-7910.


1. Introductions

2. Administrative & housekeeping
   - contact info on site, check
   - charter is our point of reference
   - will add some members
   - coordination with WAI-TIDE educational work-packages
   - focus on planning several deliverables today: FAQ's; curriculum
modules (slide-set version); interactive CD;
   - EOWG for planning, concept development; some deliverables development
to be subcontracted
   - deliverables reference list

3. HTML4 & CSS2 FAQ's
   - do we need more or less technical pieces?  
   - briefer pieces? 
   - need people to review existing, propose parallel versions

4. Curriculum modules: slide set versions
   - what slide sets needed? (page author guidelines, access improvements
in specs, project overview, etc?)
   - dependencies on WAI page author guidelines working group
   - format?  (needs to work as stand-alone presentations, on Web, on CD, etc)
   - level?
   - existing sets to compare?
   - ease of updating?

5. Interactive CD
   - audience
   - content to include: business case; guidelines; samples of "good" and
"bad" design; evaluation tools; project description/overview;
demonstrations; other?
   - theme/approach of CD: what gets & keeps people's interest?

6. Promotional materials
   - what initial hard copy materials most useful -- basic brochures?
bookmarks w/ message & URL? 
   - styling?

7. Plan next meeting dates & agenda items
Judy Brewer   jbrewer@w3.org     617-258-9741
Director, Web Accessibility Initiative International Program Office
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
MIT/LCS Room NE43-355
545 Technology Square, Cambridge MA 02139 USA

Received on Thursday, 28 May 1998 00:14:16 UTC