Re: Conformance use-cases

Here is the proposal again with references to Alastair's Use Cases ( 

1. Authoring System Conformance (A, AA, or AAA)
- can contain one or more* component authoring tools (*claimant is eligible to claim for the tool(s) or can point to the URI of a claim by an eligible claimant)
- the conformance claim can consider the tools together (if the claimant is eligible) or separately via their respective ""Partial" Component-Only Conformance" claims (see below). If considered seperately, the integration of the tools must not compromise the conformance of any of the constituents.
EXAMPLE: A developer claims this for a suite of integrated tools that meets all of ATAG Parts A and B to Level A.
USE-CASES: #1, #2(with ref to TinyMCE claim), #4(with ref to 3rd party developer claims)

2. "Partial" Component-Only Conformance (A, AA, AAA)
- for individual component authoring tool** (**claimant is eligible to claim for the tool)
- tool must meet Part A to at least Level A
- in Part B, SCs are recorded as Yes, No or Not Applicable (and the level is recorded for the multi-level SCs). 
- For any "No" answers, the tool must not prevent the SC from being met, in theory, by another authoring component as part of a larger authoring process. 
- It is allowed (but not required) that a URI for a conformance claim be provided for the other components that might be used to fulfill an authoring system conformance claim (see above).
EXAMPLE: A checking tool may claim "'Partial' Component-Only Conformance" for its checking and repair functions, while an editor without a checker claims "'Partial' Component-Only Conformance" for the rest of Part B. A service integrator then might claim "Authoring System Conformance (Level A)" by referencing the two "'Partial' Component-Only Conformance" claims and certifying that the integration preserves the conformance levels of the constituents.
USE-CASES: #3, #5, #6

Received on Tuesday, 8 November 2011 22:06:27 UTC