Listing current keyboard settings requirement in ATAG 2.0

I just noticed something a bit odd in our current draft:

We have a requirement related to the current keyboard settings in a P3 
success criteria:

A.2.2 For the authoring tool user interface, ensure author configurable 
access to selectable items. [Priority 3]

Success Criteria:
- The author must have the option to set (and later modify) 
key-plus-modifier-key (or single-key) access for each selectable item. 
*The current settings must be displayed in either a centralized fashion 
(e.g., a list of keyboard shortcuts) or a distributed fashion (e.g., by 
listing keyboard shortcuts in the menus).*

I think this is actually a P1 requirement (otherwise how does the user 
know the keystrokes for an option?).

So I propose we move this text into A.2.1 as a success criteria:

A.2.1 For the authoring tool user interface, ensure that all 
functionality is operable via a keyboard or a keyboard interface. 
[Priority 1]

*6. The current keyboard settings must be available to the author at all 
times (e.g. in either a central location such as a list, or a 
distributed location such as associating shortcuts with menu items).*

Thoughts? If we get quick consensus I will ping Judy to see if I can 
make this last minute change before publishing - which I believe is 
happening imminently


Received on Thursday, 5 October 2006 14:53:34 UTC