Fwd: Call for Review: Last Call Working Draft of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0

Best, Tim Boland NIST

>X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
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>Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 12:57:28 -0700
>To: w3c-wai-ig@w3.org
>From: Wendy Chisholm <wendy@w3.org>
>Cc: jbrewer@w3.org, john_slatin@forum.utexas.edu, po@trace.wisc.edu,
>         Ben Caldwell <caldwell@trace.wisc.edu>
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>X-Original-To: w3c-wai-ig@w3.org
>Subject: Call for Review: Last Call Working Draft of Web 
>Content   Accessibility Guidelines 2.0
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>Dear WAI Interest Group Participants:
>A Last Call Working Draft of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0
>(WCAG 2.0) as well as two supporting documents were published 27 April 2006.
>W3C strongly encourages broad community review of this Last Call Working
>Draft, and submission of comments on any issues which you feel could present
>a significant barrier to future adoption and implementation of WCAG 2.0.
>(Note that only the WCAG 2.0 is in Last Call and only the WCAG 2.0 will
>become a Recommendation.  Understanding WCAG 2.0 and Techniques for WCAG 2.0
>are being developed  to support WCAG 2.0, and will be released as Working
>Group Notes when WCAG 2.0 becomes a Recommendation.)
>In particular, we encourage you to comment on the conformance model and
>success criteria. Reviewers are encouraged to provide suggestions for how to
>address issues as well as positive feedback, and commitments to implement
>the guidelines. This message contains information on the documents and  how
>to comment.
>Comments should be received on or before 31 May 2006.
>Comments should be made in one of four formats:
>    * online form,
>    * downloadable excel form,
>    * downloadable html form, or
>    * downloadable text form.
>Instructions and downloadable files for all are available at:
>WCAG 2.0 addresses accessibility of Web content for people with
>disabilities. It will apply to a wider range of Web technologies than WCAG
>1.0, and is intended to be understandable to a wider audience.
>Until WCAG 2.0 becomes a W3C Recommendation, WCAG 1.0 will continue to be
>the current and stable document to use. Most Web sites that conform to WCAG
>1.0 should not require significant changes in order to conform to WCAG 2.0,
>and may not need any changes.
>This 27 April 2006 release of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0
>is a Last Call Working Draft by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
>Working Group (part of the Web Accessibility Initiative). Publication as a
>Last Call Working Draft indicates that the WCAG WG believes it has addressed
>all substantive issues and that the document is stable (see below for more
>information on subsequent stages). The first public Working Draft of WCAG
>2.0 was published 25 January 2001.  Since then, the WCAG WG has published
>nine Working Drafts, addressed more than 1,000 issues, and developed a
>variety of supporting resources for the guidelines.
>A good place to start a review of WCAG 2.0 is with the
>"Overview of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Documents."
>The Overview explains the relationships  between WCAG 2.0 and the supporting
>documents, and links to the  current version of  each document.
>The Overview is available at:
>        <http://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/wcag20>
>The documents published on 27 April 2006:
>        - Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0
>          <http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-WCAG20-20060427/>
>        - Understanding WCAG 2.0
>          <http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20-20060427/>
>        - Techniques for WCAG 2.0
>          <http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-WCAG20-TECHS-20060427/>
>The WCAG WG believes that after Last Call, WCAG 2.0 will be ready to move on
>to the remaining stages of the W3C Recommendation Track Process:
>  * Candidate Recommendation - when the WCAG WG will collect implementation
>experience on use of WCAG 2.0 to design and evaluate Web content for
>  * Proposed Recommendation - when W3C will seek endorsement of the
>specification from W3C Member organizations;
>  * Recommendation - when WCAG 2.0 will be published by   W3C as a technical
>report appropriate for widespread deployment and the promotion of W3C's
>Note that the WCAG WG will start collecting implementation examples early in
>the Last Call review period. Please visit the WAI home page for more
>information. <http://www.w3.org/WAI/>
>Additional information about the WCAG WG is available at:
>    <http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/>
>A list of changes to WCAG 2.0 since the previous draft is available at:
>    <http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG20/change-history.html>
>This message may be circulated to other lists, avoiding cross-postings
>where possible.
>Thank you in advance for your comments,
>Wendy Chisholm - W3C Team Contact for WCAG WG
>Gregg Vanderheiden - Co-chair of WCAG WG, and Director of Trace R&D Center,
>University of Wisconsin-Madison
>John Slatin - Co-chair of WCAG WG, and Director of the Accessibility
>Institute at Univerity of Texas at Austin
>Judy Brewer - Director, Web Accessibility Initiative, W3C

Received on Monday, 1 May 2006 20:36:38 UTC