Re: Scheduling the next teleconference

Good Idea!
Also there is the "problem" of ISO. If we refer only to general 
guidelines, we have only "core" and "secondary" level. This because we 
have set as:

"ATAG Guidelines refer to part 7.2 of the document that contains general 
guidelines where the following requirements refer to "Application": (core), (secondary), 7.2.2 (core), 7.2.3 (secondary), 
7.2.4 (core), 7.2.5 (secondary), 7.2.9 (secondary), 7.2.10 (core), 
7.2.11 (secondary), 7.2.12 (core) and 7.2.13 (secondary)."

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jutta Treviranus" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, December 06, 2004 12:26 AM
Subject: Scheduling the next teleconference

Dear group members,

The last call review is now in progress. Chairs of relevant W3C
working groups have  been asked to comment and the WAI IG will also
be asked to review the document and send us issues.

Due to my travel schedule (I'm in Australia at the moment), Jan's
parental leave and Matt's schedule the next convenient time for a
teleconference is on December the 20th. How many of you would be
available at that time to discuss the issues that have come in so far
and to begin to plan out the finalization of the techniques documents?


Received on Monday, 6 December 2004 08:26:23 UTC