Re: Proposed edit: Markup definition

Agree.. this is more complete.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Matthew May" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 6:03 PM
Subject: Proposed edit: Markup definition

Currently in the document, markup is defined as...
Markup is a set of tags from a markup language that specify the
characteristics of a document. Markup can be presentational (i.e. ),
structural (i.e. markup that encodes information about the structural
role of elements of the content) or semantic (i.e. ).

I have changed it to:
Markup is a set of tags from a markup language that specify the
characteristics of a document. Markup can be presentational (i.e.,
markup that encodes information about the visual layout of the content),
structural (i.e., markup that encodes information about the structural
role of elements of the content) or semantic (i.e., markup that encodes
information about the intended meaning of the content).

Received on Friday, 19 November 2004 17:14:54 UTC