SV: Re: AUWG Teleconference on Monday, 21 June 2004 - Minutes

Hi Roberto

It's my understanding that what Jan specifically wanted to ask WCAG about
was - how to describe the red circles. E.g. sighted and non-sighted people
could be discussing an illustration and a sighted person says something like
"the red highlighted part is good", making a visual comment that the
non-sighted person is not aware of. So I think we are looking for advice on
how best to write these longdescs. Where is the fine balance between not too
little and not too much? And how can we encourage good authoring of a

Jan, Jutta - isn't that what this point was about?

regards, Karen
--------- Original Besked --------
fra: Roberto Scano - IWA/HWG <>
Til: <>, 'List WAI-AUWG'
Emne: Re: AUWG Teleconference on Monday, 21 June 2004 - Minutes
Dato: 22/06/04 09:44

> Karen Mardahl:
> With all illustrations, we need texts for the longdescs, and we'll need
> help
> or advice! Discussion on how to describe the illustration, and then, in
> particular, why certain parts are emphasized by circling them in red.
> ACTION: JR will talk with WCAG people about this. KM will ask a contact
> she
> has through our host for the F2F.
> Roberto Scano:
> If you need I can do them (i'm WCAG WG Member).

Received on Tuesday, 22 June 2004 04:36:11 UTC