AUWG Meeting Reminder (December 15, 4pm-5pm ET)

Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder that the AUWG conference call will take place
on Monday December 15 at the regular time.:
    4:00 pm ET
    (617) 761-6200 ext. 2894#



(1) Face to face meeting planning

(2) Proposed changes to draft of the ATAG References to WCAG
See below.

(3) Guideline 1 and ISO 16071 vs IBM

(4) Review of Work items: (see below)

(5) Other


Technique Work Items

(1) - Update techniques for guideline 1 (consider how 1.1 should be
organized if either the IBM software guidelines or the ISO document are
adopted, review the rest, asking what needs to be dropped or added?)
=> TIM

(2) - Update techniques for guideline 2 (review all checkpoints, asking
what needs to be dropped or added?)

(3) - Update techniques for guideline 3 (review reliance on WCAG
numbering in 3.1, review the rest, asking what needs to be dropped or
=> JAN

(4) - Update techniques for guideline 4 (add techniques for 4.2 (4.3,
a.k.a 4.X still does not have success criteria yet), review 4.1 and 4.4,
asking what needs to be dropped or added?)

(5) - Take a wide of the document. Is it well structured? Is it easy to
use? What is missing?

(6) - Update the references (Go through the document and adding or
correcting references as necessary, update and repair the references

(7) - Maintain the glossary (Ensure terms are up to date, keep
synchronized with glossary in guidelines, both glossaries need to
develop with an eye on other WAI and W3C glossaries)


Received on Friday, 12 December 2003 11:09:40 UTC