outreach = proselytizing

I would like to harp on the proposed "example 11" of the document that 
outlines how to get the software that prepares content for the Web to 
become accessible and to produce accessible material for the Web.

It is necessary to create recommendations/standards, but it is not 
sufficient - we must also reach out and educate the manufacturers/vendors 
of Web creation tools in this matter.

This means everything from "awareness training" within the organization 
seeking to provide accessibility through educating suppliers about the 
matters in the instant document, all the way to demands/boycotts/threats - 
whatever it takes, including testifying before congressional committees, 
talking to the president, whatever.

the tools that are used to populate the Web are by far the most important 
"choke point" in this undertaking and whether you are a teacher preparing 
online materials for your school or a huge enterprise getting control of 
everyone's financial dealings, you are the victim of the tools you choose 
and it is incumbent on you to demand better in this regard.

Just as we will not allow people in our presence to treat women as objects 
or people of color as slaves, we cannot abide the purchase/use of tools 
that produce inaccessible stuff or that are themselves inaccessible.



It's Bad Luck to be Superstitious!

Received on Saturday, 19 January 2002 09:49:51 UTC