Re: Meetings in the future

> The proposal for who meets when is at
> and it seems that in
> the time we are not meeting it would be good to talk to the SVG and Math
> groups, and perhaps the semLang (semantic language processing - part of the
> Voice browser work) group. It would also be useful I think to spend a litle
> time with the schema group getting some common ground about how ATAG applies
> to schema development.

I have made the mistake (maybe) of planning to go to the tech plenary. It is
important to note that the IEEE/IMS accessibility group are meeting in
Sydney that same week and it would be good to have some overlap meetings -
the players in IEEE/IMS group are Jutta, me and WebCT, Blackboard etc who
are big tool producers for education.

As reported on the teleconf today, I have started a Dublin Core
Accessibility interest Group - with the aim of working towards a WG that
will introduce an accessibility element and refinements using ERL etc. As
soon as the charter is right I'll let you know about this and perhaps you
can in and help. This should provide for very wide adoption of accessibility
descriptions and very international use as well - DC is used in 30/40
languages.  (Maybe we should try to get some other DC connections for the
Feb meeting?)

If I get to France, I'd certainly like to get to meet the SVG, maths etc
folk as that is the area on which I am reporting for IMS.

The IMS folk have mooted the idea of having their next accessibility F2F,
after Sydney in Feb, in Hawaii in May. The aim is to have the opportunity to
get everyone together at WWW11. Is that of interest?


Received on Tuesday, 6 November 2001 09:42:29 UTC