Action Item: 1/9 - EDL Usefulness by Authoring Tool Development G roups

Hello All,

As a newcomer to the arena of authoring tools and the related issues, I felt
I needed to get a better handle on the issues discussed in the 1/9
conference call before approaching our authoring tool product groups.

I have exchanged a couple of e-mails off-list, as well as conversed by
phone, with Len, and before I round up the troops (several products within
MS), I wanted to be sure I was asking the right questions so that the
feedback would be useful and meaningful to the E&R and AT working groups.

So, here is my action item, in my own words.  If this is not correct, or if
it is incomplete, please provide feedback at your convenience.

Action Item:
> I need to check with the authoring tool development teams to see if they
> would have use for a standardized evaluation description language (EDL)
> that is produced by an external evaluation (and possibly repair?) process
> .  This EDL would be in machine readable format, and some possible user
> scenarios:
> 1) Evaluation Tool produces an error report in EDL, which can then be used
> as input into an authoring tool.
> 2) A developer runs several evaluation tools, one that checks for 508
> standards, one that checks for WCAG, and one that checks for
> organizational internal standards compliance.  The three reports -
> produced in EDL - are then combined and processed by the authoring tool.
> 3) an automated evaluation of a website is conducted by an evaluation
> tool, and the errors are provided in EDL, which is then provided as input
> to the authoring tool for prompting for correction by a developer and/or
> accessibility "expert."
The authoring tool input could be provided in XML or RDF, or would the
authoring tool developers have any preferences including (or in addition to)
these possible suggestions.

Lisa Mauldin
Accessibility Program Manager 
Product Accessibility Consulting Team
Phone: 425-707-4180

Received on Monday, 15 January 2001 18:48:24 UTC