Organization of techniques document

While acknowledging that the primary task is to get some content for the
document, we have been giving some thought to the structure of the
Techniques document.

Here are some thoughts. I propose that each checkpoint in the document have
the following sections:

1. Criteria for Implementation
The checkpoints in ATAG are still fairly high level, in talking to
developers, several of them mentioned that they needed further specifics
about how to comply. These criteria would be the verifiable criteria that
apply to all tools. They would differ from the suggested implementations in
that they are not suggestions, they are all actual "sub-checkpoints."

Examples of these would be:
The same fonts, text sizes, colors, symbols, etc. that characterize other
program features should also characterize those dealing with accessibility.

2. Suggested Implementations
These would be examples we imagine of really good implementations. Ideally
we should illustrate in this section how the checkpoint would be
implemented in various classes of tools. For example how would you
implement this checkpoint in a conversion tool, a courseware tool, an HTML
editor or a WYSIWYG tool. These are not actual implementations, so there
would not be any compromises or gaps in the implementations. If at all
possible we should try to include illustrations.

3. Sample Implementations
Here we would discuss and illustrate real world implementations of the
checkpoint. Within this section we should critique what is done well and
discuss what could be done better.

4. Relevant Documents
Here we would link in other relevant documents. However, we may link to
other documents in the other sections if those documents provide the
content for the sections e.g., the ERT document for Suggested
Implementations of 4.1 and 4.2.

Since this is going to be a fairly hefty document, I also propose that we
allow different views of the document. So a graphic editor developer could
get the graphic editor view of the document which would leave out the
examples and checkpoints that don't apply.

Any thoughts or comments?


Received on Wednesday, 8 March 2000 14:12:36 UTC