Re: Relative priorities

I understand the concern about the ABBR and ACRYN example, another example would
be fine.  I found the "skip over the ascii art" a  little more confusing for
tool developers since it would required too much author intervention to satisfy.
I.E., how does the tool know it's an ASCII ART? But adding the ABBR tag for
complex table headers should work... it just seemed trivial except for "long"
table headers.  I.E. how does the tool determine "long"? - more than two words?
I'll review the P3 list one more time to see if I can find a better example.

Two quick choices include
4.3 Identify the primary natural language of a document. [P3]   [the tool could
prompt/check for lang= in the HTML tag, but who cares]
13.5 Provide navigation bars to highlight and give access to the navigation
mechanism. [P3]  [this would actually be very useful if the tool would help
"highlight" nav bars, but the techniques in WCAG need more work]

Phill Jenkins,

Received on Wednesday, 20 October 1999 19:09:09 UTC