Re: New draft - please review

At 04:33 PM 10/18/1999 , Gregory J. Rosmaita wrote:
>i don't think that the phrase "crucial information" is the red herring, so much
>as the concern that no one will follow the hyperlinks to the referenced
>documents, upon which the Techniques for 7.1 rely so heavily...

Yes, my main concern is hiding information behind a hyperlink.

>i, optimistically, perchance, am placing my faith in the simple fact that,
>since developers will have to follow a bunch of links in order to understand
>just what the hell 7.1 means, they will follow the links to WCAG and UAAG,
>which i belive should be given prominence through an addition to the
>introduction to GL7 

You are a man of greater faith than I am, friend Gregory. :)  As
a web designer, I view non-linear hyperlinks as things that will
NOT be read most of the time.  (By linear, I mean "next..." at 
the bottom of a page; you can be fairly certain that many people
will go on to the "next" document if they finish with the current
one, but links in the middle of a web site will often be thought
of as "optional" and thus may be skipped, even if it COMPLETELY
OBVIOUS to the web designer that they will get NO VALUE WHATSOEVER
from the current document without following the hyperlink, and
then returning.)

Of course, this standards process should not necessarily be driven
by we of little faith, and I defer to the rest of you if you
think it's not an important issue.

Kynn Bartlett                          
President, HTML Writers Guild          
AWARE Center Director                

Received on Monday, 18 October 1999 19:54:27 UTC