re: Review of techniques for 4 -- Ensure that no accessibility conten t is missing

(1) Dick's file length storage concern

4.5 ....
Allow authors to add objects and alternative content to a database
maintained by the authoring tool. Whenever an object is used for that
alternative content is provided, ask if the author would like to add the
object and the alternative content to the database. Allow different
alternative content to be associated with a single object. 

Maintain a database registry that associates object identitiy
information with alternative content. Whenever an object is used and
alternative content is provided, ask the author whether they want to add
the object (or identifying information) and the alternative content to
the database. In the case of alt-text the alternate content might be
stored directly while a longer descriptions such as video captions would
be entered as pointers to external files. Allow different alternative
content to be associated with a single object. 

(2) Dick's default text concern

4.4 Provide pre-written alternative content for all multimedia files
packaged with the authoring tool. [Priority 2] 

4.4 Provide pre-written alternative content for all multimedia files
packaged with the authoring tool. This text should be used for input
field default, but not for automatic insertion.[Priority 2]

Jan Richards
University of Toronto

Received on Wednesday, 14 July 1999 17:22:32 UTC