Techniques Idea: Partially, Minimally, Completely

It occured to me that some differentiation between techniques might
be helpful for increasing the usability and value of the techniques

Each technique is associated with a checkpoint.  Therefore, it may
be useful to label techniques with the following:

     [Partially]      This technique partially satisfies the
                      associated checkpoint.
     [Minimally]      This technique minimally satisfies the
                      associated checkpoint.
     [Completely]     This technique completely satisfies the
                      associated checkpoint.

This may make it clearer which techniques are just "extra ideas"
and which ones are "please, please do this".

Also, this may help us to organize our own thinking on techniques
if we REQUIRE ourselves to create at least one [M] or [C]
technique per checkpoint.  If we can't provide at least one
satisfactory solution per checkpoint, then there is something
wrong with that checkpoint!


Received on Wednesday, 14 July 1999 13:48:11 UTC