Re: section 2.5 - jan's proposal

William Loughborough wrote:
> JR:: "2.5.3 Unrecognized elements and attributes should be preserved
> until removed by the author"
> WL: What if the "author" is a program segment that inserted unrecognized
> elements?

If you mean how can we tell <flashy-junk> from <future-access-thing>, we
can't (without an online DTD registry and the guaranteed on-line
authoring that that requires).

Of course a "program segment" from a tool following our guidelines
wouldn't have inserted unrecognized elements. So the elements were
either inserted manually by the author or were produced by any number of
ways prior to editing in the tool. Either way, the author should be
given final say and if the author isn't qualified to decide then the
unrecognized elements should be left alone. I don't know if too many
novices would appreciate having their authoring tool automatically
remove elements from documents they were given to edit.

Jan Richards

Received on Monday, 19 April 1999 14:08:50 UTC