Welcome to the WAI-AU working group

Welcome to the WAI-AU working group.

On behalf of the W3C and WAI I want to thank you again for agreeing to
contribute  to the Working Group.

The group homepage can be found at:

Please review the group charter which is located at:

In order to coordinate with activities and timelines in other WAI groups we
will begin with task 2a within the charter. Specifically we need to review
the HTML Author Guidelines (which can be linked to from:
http://www.w3.org/WAI/group/GL/) to determine which recommendations can be
supported in the authoring tool: either through prompting within dialogue
boxes, or through tools, wizards or utilities which will partially or
wholly automate the process for the author. I think we can make the
assumption that all recommendations can be documented in the help files and
most recommendations can be validated using a checker once the document is

If all group members could review the Guidelines in the next two weeks and
feed suggestions to the list, I will create a coordinating document with
everyone's suggestions for discussion and review.

Over the next few days I will also post links to documents on the topic of
author tool accessibility and author supports for creating accessible

I look forward to working with you.

Jutta Treviranus
WAI-AU chair

Received on Friday, 30 January 1998 12:45:50 UTC